
Thursday, February 25, 2010


I have wanted to start these series of blogs for awhile now. I am so thankful and blessed for all the people that help me, supported me and just cheered me on. Like family, friends, photographers, store owners, old managers, other vendors, I can go on and on. So I though what a great way to express how I feel about all these wonderful people is to pick someone each week to write about them and how they helped me or just how I feel. Also it is a great way to share about there business and spread the word for them too!
To start this week I will just say a simple THANK YOU to my very supportive, understanding, and loving husband!! He is always there to help me, trust me he has cut, glued, typed, and tied plenty, more times than I am sure he would have liked. But most of all he is such a devoted father to my two wonderful boys, that with all his help with them, I could not do what I do!!
So keep checking back every Thursday, I will do my best to keep this up.....I have so many people to share, I will need a year of Thursdays!!!

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