
Monday, January 12, 2009

Wii Fit to the rescue!

I have like all of you started off the new years saying, it is time to get fit and make a change, and loose weight. In the past, I start out each year saying all these things too, but ya know didnt stay motivated. Although this last year I had so many people around me getting sick and just not taking care of themselves, and having to rely on medication to fix there risen cholesterol, it has scared me! So Santa was very nice this year and brought our family the Wii Fit and today was my day to start! I really enjoyed it. and I can't wait to get on it again. I made my little "mii" which was way more plump than I would like, so all the more incentive to change that. As I drop pounds and get fit, my little "Mii" will too. I ate healthy today, which is a big key for me, and NO MORE ICE CREAM! This journey will be tough, but I have done it before and will again. My 25th high school reunion is in July and no way will I go like this! I will keep you posted on my progress............Good Luck to all of you that are going on the same journey as me, or should I say "Mii"!!!

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